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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

iRecco@mail.com energy.IRecco@mail.com

+1 (800) 123 456 789
+1 (800) 321 456 746

AEWC is here to make a difference in
Northern Australia
Energy Learn More
At AEWC we have a passionate belief in the development of
green energy, water, and technology projects
water Learn More
AEWC is backed by the strength of experienced
corporate, project development and engineering teams
technology Learn More
Our Company

AEWC is here to make a difference in Northern Australia


At AEWC we have a passionate belief in the development of green energy, water, and technology projects.  AEWC aims to create ongoing relationships with the public and private sectors, and local communities through the implementation of energy, water, and data storage projects.

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why choose us

We are Building
a Sustainable Future

why us

Best Energy Solutions

At AEWC we have a passionate belief in the development of green energy, water, and technology projects.

End-To-End Services

AEWC is committed to projects that will enhance the growth of the northern economy and the opening of opportunities for further sustainable development.

Global Expertise

AEWC is backed by the strength of experienced corporate, project development and engineering teams. AEWC also builds alliances with partners who share the same vision and values.

Water & Technology

Green Energy